Register membership in the Swedish Cruising Association
Information about the membership
Here you can register as a member at the regular price.
The Swedish Cruising Association's year of operation and your membership is between 1/9 and 31/8. Your new membership is valid from the date we register it until 31/8.
If you register between 1/1 and 31/5, the fee is reduced. From 1/6, however, you pay the full fee, but your membership is then not only valid until 31/8, but also for the entire coming business year.
There are 3 types of membership in the Swedish Cruising Association:
- An adult - SEK 575
- Family membership (your entire family, written to the same address) - SEK 635
- Youth membership (up to 25 years) - SEK 150
For residents outside Sweden, a foreign tax is added to cover higher postage costs:
The Nordic countries 190 SEK, outside the Nordic countries 285 SEK.
Section = local association
Get more out of your membership by also signing up for one or more sections. It is in the sections you will find activities and trainings at a member's price. Choose one or two sections now, and we will offer the annual fee for free the first period.
Register your boat, 100 SEK, and get access to the Cruising Association's 240 blue buoys for your safe and environmentally friendly mooring. The buoys are found around Sweden's coasts and in the great lakes. In order to moor at the buoys, you must register your boat.
Read about what is included in the membership, discounts and benefits (opens in a new window/tab)
Member information
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